5 reasons to be thankful for the skin you're in

At Caci, we are in the business of making people feel more comfortable and confident in their skin through science-backed skincare and revolutionary skin conditioning treatments. We see a multitude of different skin types and concerns walk through our clinic's doors on a daily basis, many of whom most would consider to have a flawless complexion. The point I’m trying to make is that even those who you perceive as having perfect skin, undoubtedly still struggle with some type of skin concern or insecurity. 

This being said, there is no ‘perfect’ skin. You can only give the skin you have as much love as possible to get the best out of it. And like most things in life, if you put in the work you will see results. Everyone has their own unique skin concerns and skin goals to grapple with, and at Caci, we are in the business of making those goals a reality. While you can’t change the cards you’re dealt when it comes to your complexion, you can undoubtedly give it the love and care it deserves and achieve your own idea of what ‘perfect’ looks like for your own skin. 

Being grateful about the things we have is an easy way to make us have a more positive outlook on life. Start with some of the below, and then we encourage you to create your own mantras to meditate on that are specific to your own unique skin. So, in the name of positivity and skin confidence, here are five reasons to be thankful for the skin you’re in. 

1. Your skin keeps you healthy 

We recommend practising gratitude in all aspects of your life. Taking a moment to meditate on everything we do have can be a welcome change from the nearly consistent deliberation about what we don’t. And being thankful for our skin is just as beneficial as cleansing, moisturising, and everything in between. 

Our skin is actually much more than what we perceive it to be. It is our first line of defence against illnesses, sun, and radicals. Our skin literally acts as a barrier against all of these things and works to keep pathogens out of our body and immune system. There is actually one type of skin cell whose entire job is to alert the immune system if it comes in contact with harmful viruses and germs, pretty cool right? These cells, called Langerhans, protect us from infection and stimulate allergic reactions that help to warn us so that our body can start to fight off these unwanted bodies. 

While our skin can often be tied to vanity and beauty, it’s important to remember that it also serves its own function. Even more reason to look after it properly we say! 

2.Your skin is communicating with you 

It’s important to pay attention to changes in the skin such as redness and dryness, and not just because these things are considered less aesthetically pleasing. Your skintuition is actually highly instinctive and can be a highly perceptive external indicator of what’s going on inside of the body, too. For example, dry, itchy skin can be a sign of hormonal imbalances which may need addressing. Without these signs, you may have no way of knowing that your body is going through some changes or challenges internally. 

The same goes for acne, particularly in areas such as the jawline, which have long been attributed to changes in our hormones. This can be incredibly helpful for people who are going through changes in things such as birth control or other medications, as it can be the first sign that your body is unhappy about something and will therefore prompt change. So make sure you’re listening to your skin when it shows any of these signs, rather than immediately trying to irradicate the problem without considering the bigger picture. 

3. Your skin allows you to connect with others

Your face tends to be the first thing people see when they meet you, but the connection between our skin and our social lives does not end there. We actually have around five million touch receptors that lie beneath our skin, not only do these indicate to us when we’re hot or cold, but they also help us to connect more deeply to other human beings. 

Skin-to-skin contact between parents and babies has been shown to be incredibly beneficial for creating a bond and relationship, and this continues throughout our adult lives too. Touch has the ability to heal us and make us more happy, even with the simplest acts such as holding hands or hugging, which has been shown to release stress-lowering endorphins. 

4. It helps to tell your story 

Your face truly can say 1000 words. From the colour, texture and characteristics that all our individual faces hold, we inherently make others aware of our own unique stories and pasts. Because our genetics influence both how our skin looks with melanin giving our skin its colour for example, and how it behaves (sensitive skin can come largely down to DNA). Therefore our skin is like a window into where we come from and our ancestry. 

5. It helps keep you safe

Our skin is our shield to the world. It helps to keep our internal systems safe and secure as well as regulate our body temperature to suit our changing environments. Our skin also works hard to heal us from the inside out. The process by which our body heals after an injury such as a cut or bruise is incredible. Within minutes or even seconds, blood cells will get to work to clot and protect the wound area. Next, white blood cells will rush to disinfect as well as to increase blood flow to the area which prompts healing. Then, rebuilding begins thanks to our collagen and elastin synthesis that replace damaged skin, finally, our tissues get stronger as newly formed skin begins to close around the wound. 

Now it’s your turn 

Using what you’ve read above as a starting point, now try to think of reasons you are grateful for the skin you’re in. This can range from not often having breakouts, to a scar that tells a story of your strength. You and your skin have been through a lot together, so giving yourself some grace and love is a surefire way to nourish any skin type.