Microneedling for acne scars explained

Treating acne-prone skin is one thing but dealing with the scarring that remains is quite another. Acne scarring can massively impact your confidence and be incredibly frustrating to deal with, so finding the right treatments for your acne scars is important.

Keep reading to find out why Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy) is one of our favourite treatments for acne scarring.

But first, what exactly is Microneedling?

Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy) is an advanced skin treatment that involves creating micro-punctures in the skin with small, sterilised needles. Puncturing the skin triggers a wound response in the skin which helps promote its ability to heal, repair and stimulate collagen production.  The collagen that’s formed helps to smooth the skin’s appearance, filling in fine lines, wrinkles and scars and improving overall appearance. 

Originally microneedling was used to only stimulate collagen production and treat fine lines and wrinkles but with further research, it was discovered that microneedling could be used to treat other skin concerns as well.

Microneedling treatments at Caci are carried out by our highly trained Skin Therapists and Registered Nurses. We use the Exceed Microneedling device which is FDA and Medsafe approved. The Exceed Microneedling device is clinically proven to treat and reduce acne scarring as well as lines and wrinkles.. There are a number of derma rollers on the market that can be used at home. These devices have needles that are much smaller than those used in clinics and rolled into the skin unlike the electronic pen used in clinic, but are a great way to support your in-clinic treatments and up the efficacy of your skincare products. Check out our helpful guide on how to use a derma roller so you can do this safely and effectively. 

Why microneedling is so popular

Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy) has grown in popularity over the past few years and it’s not hard to understand why. Somewhat of a wonder treatment, it can help improve skin texture in a number of ways:

It’s effective for treating acne scarring

By stimulating new collagen, microneedling can help to resurface the acne scarring by plumping the skin underneath. It’s also great for reducing hyperpigmentation and skin discolouration caused by acne, leaving a more even complexion. 

It can be used to treat other scarring and skin conditions

In addition to acne scars, microneedling can be used to treat other scars such as burn scars and surgical scars. It can also be used to rejuvenate stretch marks and sagging skin. It should be noted that microneedling works best for depressed - not raised - scars, as the collagen-inducing effect works as a ‘filler’. If you have raised scars you already have excess collagen in the area, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.  

Microneedling helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Increasing collagen production results in smoother, plumper skin that is more toned by plumping the skin tissue underneath the surface. This collagen acts as a filler, plumping up the skin and filling in fine lines and wrinkles. Fine lines and wrinkles start to form as our collagen stores deplete with age, so microneedling can also be used as a preventative measure to boost collagen and slow wrinkles from forming. 

It can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores

Stimulating collagen production can help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores as it helps support the slackened structure of the pore. 

Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy) helps to fade sun damage and pigmentation

Microneedling can help reduce the appearance of pigmentation by targeting the deepest layer of the epidermis (outermost layer of the skin) and breaking the pigment up which will naturally lift and come away from the skin with our natural cell turnover. This can also be supported by other advanced skin treatments and skincare products that target pigmentation. 

Boosts collagen production

Who doesn’t want a boost in collagen production? Microneedling is great for stimulating new collagen as it triggers the skin’s natural healing response resulting in new and improved collagen tissue.

Microneedling as an acne scar treatment


How it works

At Caci, we use the Exceed microneedling device which has been medically proven to visibly reduce the appearance of wrinkles, skin laxity and uneven skin texture. 

Microneedling is designed to enhance & improve skin complexion via activation of the skin’s natural regenerative processes which stimulates collagen synthesis. With expert precision, technique and timing, microneedling triggers growth factors for building new collagen. Very tiny needles are used to penetrate the top layer of the skin vertically causing localised and controlled damage without affecting the structure of the epidermis. 

The creation of controlled microchannels in the skin encourages the regeneration of skin cells via a natural process of healing. Awakening the fibroblast that lies within the deeper layers of the skin, healthy collagen is naturally produced.

The results? Clearer, healthier and firmer skin. 

The benefits of Microneedling for acne scars

Microneedling is absolutely incredible for producing high volumes of fresh collagen. Collagen is the protein which gives our skin its strength and structure. Acne can damage the deeper structural layers of our skin, which in turn affects the superficial layers – leaving scarring, indentations, and uneven texture (even after the acne is gone). 

With the Exceed medical microneedling device and methods we use at Caci, we are able to target the superficial layers of the skin which targets concerns such as acne scarring. Collagen helps make the skin smoother and firmer. By stimulating the production of new collagen, this reduces the appearance of acne scarring by smoothing out the skin.

This is an effective treatment with minimal recovery time, and we see great results in clinic. Customers often pair microneedling treatments with LED light therapy and facials to see further improvements.

How many microneedling sessions will you need?

Most notice an improvement in their skin after their first few treatments and the results continue to improve over a course of treatments. We recommend having 4-5 treatments, anywhere from 2-8 weeks apart for long-lasting results.

Take advantage of our Reformaskin membership and save on every treatment. As every individual is different, your treatment plan will be personalised to suit your skin and skin concerns. 

What to expect after your treatment

Although the recovery is minimal it’s normal to see some redness and swelling after the treatment, this can last anywhere from 10 minutes up to 3 days post-treatment. You may find your skin will feel hot and slightly sensitive – your treatment provider will give you the best advice on how to care for your skin during this time. If you have sensitive skin, you may experience more of a reaction to the treatment. However, this should go away within a few hours.


How to take care of your skin after Microneedling

Proper aftercare is important to get the best results after your treatment. Your treatment provider will give you detailed instructions after your treatment at Caci, and you should follow these carefully.

There are some general things to keep in mind after a microneedling treatment. 

Avoid active skincare like exfoliants, retinoids and vitamin C

We recommend avoiding any active skincare items for 1 week after your treatment. This includes physical and chemical exfoliants, retinol and vitamin C. Avoiding scented products and perfumes that may be irritating to your skin is also a good idea. 

After a week, you can begin to gradually add active products back into your skincare routine. Opt for gentle, moisturising products at first and work your way back to stronger anti-ageing products.

Be extra sun smart

After a microneedling treatment, your skin will be extra photosensitive which means you should try to avoid sun exposure where possible. Reach for that SPF30+ sunscreen daily from day 1 after treatment. Our top pick for sunscreen post-treatment is the Skinsmiths Daily Antioxidant Defence SPF 30 as it’s great for sensitive skin.

You can also take extra precautions like wearing a hat when you’re outside for more sun protection.

Avoid extreme temperatures

It’s best to avoid activities where your skin may come into contact with irritants and anything that makes you sweat such as exercising, swimming pools and saunas. Your skin is likely to be extra sensitive after a microneedling treatment and you don’t want to expose your skin to environments or irritants that could cause potential infection as your skin is healing from treatment. Best practice is to avoid these environments for at least a week or longer if needed.

Take a break from makeup

For at least 24 hours take a break from makeup. As your skin is healing, you want to prevent introducing bacteria so avoid touching your face and using makeup. After 24 hours, mineral makeup may be used.

Book your microneedling treatment at Caci

At Caci, we see customers with all types of acne and work with you to create a personalised plan to address your concerns. So, if you’re wondering if microneedling is for you, book your free consultation today.